First Post (27FEB2005)
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senatorhung's pad
ramblings of an information troubleshooter
first timer fumblings
Sunday, 19FEB2006:
got up early on a sunday morning
to take in the first class of the
documentary film course that neil
managed to arrange at the college.
there are 9 students in the class
(neil, anna, robert, gord, scott,
kurt, elisapee, JFre and myself)
and each of us had quite different
ideas about why we were taking the
course and what kind of topic we
were interested in pursuing. our
goal is to each create a 3-minute
piece by friday and then have a
mini film festival viewing during
the final class.
my motivation for taking the course
was that i get really peeved by
what i perceive to be bad editing
during movies, where a focus on
visual or aural stimulation gets in
the way of the storytelling. unless
it's some kind of art film, i want
to know what's going on! by taking
this course, i'm hoping to figure
out if it's just some snobbish
sensibility on my part, or if it
really is just a matter of making
the best of the building blocks of
footage, music or techno-magic that
you have available.
so, once we had finished our hands-on
examination of the cameras, tripods
and microphones, we parted ways to
create something fabulous. i had
thought about doing a poker vs. patiq
comparison, but i don't really frequent
crowds where patiq is an obsession.
patiq happens to be a card game that a
lot of the local inuit play for money.
the rules are murky, and new players who
can't get up to speed quickly enough
will drop wads of cash figuring the
rules out. instead, i decided to focus
just on poker and figured that my
initial foray into online poker for
money might make an interesting
setting up the camera in my living
room to shoot me at my computer, i
proceeded to login to tigergaming
and sign-up for a $5 tourney. the
first tourney went quite well for
me. i got pocket rockets on the 2d
hand, but they went nowhere for me.
however, i kept plugging away and
managed to get a couple of nice
hands paid off so that by the time
the 2d break came around, 2 hours
into the tourney, i found myself in
6th place.
after the break, disaster struck as
i called 2 all-in bets in a row. the
first one was just bad luck where my
pocket rockets got busted by pocket
Js. the 2d one was more pitiful, as
i misplayed my AK unsuited. DustyDan
had raised after me and then been
re-raised by Macher who went all-in
with AJ. i raised again all-in,
thinking that DustyDan would back off,
but he had the pocket rockets and
called me too. a K came on the flop,
and a J on the turn, but DustyDan
took us both out to the cleaners
when no further assistance came on
the river. out of 127 people that
started, i finished in 27th place.
DustyDan finished the tourney in 6th
spot for $177.
lessons learned - in the early rounds,
it's important to bet more prudently to
get paid, but in later rounds without
rebuys, you need to take more risks and
gamble on decent cards in order to
increase your chip stack quickly. also,
based on your position, sometimes you
still have to be able to throw away
big slick if someone else has you well
laying the groundwork
Monday, 20FEB2006:
today's film course class introduced
us to final cut pro, and we began to
capture our video from the cameras.
i have never actually used a mac to
do any real work before, so it took
a little bit of time to get adjusted
to its idiosyncrasies. like many of
the other students, i found that in
my rush to film, i had neglected to
check the sound every time and some
of my video tracks were completely
silent. of course, i had been
hampered by having to re-charge the
camera battery constantly, but it
wouldn't have hurt to leave the
microphone on the whole time as it
was powered by a separate 9v battery.
afterwards, i persuaded gord to face
off against me for a few hands so i
could get some footage of offline
play and show off my poker chip
riffling and bluffing skills.
as planned, my movie soundtracks radio
show was re-broadcast on CFRT from the
hard drive. however, the recording of
the show sounded *horrible* over the
air. apologies for the burst eardrums
of anyone in town who was listening :(
next time, i'll output the mp3s to
cd-audio or wav files so that the
transfer to the CFRT dalet system
preserves the sound quality. so,
instead of the show broadcast this week,
i have made available for your download
listening, the
show recorded from last august.
shuffling the deck
Tuesday, 21FEB2006:
in today's film class, we began to
sequence our footage and used the
canvas timeline window to cut / paste,
separate audio / video, superimpose
and cross-fade pieces - twas great
fun ! especially interesting was
re-watching the video of gord and i
playing a few hands and trying to
pick up a few of gord's tells :)
information efficiency and effectiveness
Wednesday, 23FEB2006:
had my monthly meeting with my
supervisor today and i commiserated
with her about how our email had
gone down for 3 days, losing over
10 days worth of emails in the
process. the staff who had been
most affected had attempted to use
outlook as an infobase, something
that it is poorly equipped to do.
however, since we had nothing else
available, there really wasn't
anything else we could do short of
printing off every single email and
saving every attachment to the hard
drive (*yuck*).
also, the idea of how to determine
whether a copy could be deemed an
'official' version came up. the
question i was asked dealt with
copying electronic data to cd-r's,
but i cautioned her that even cd-r's
have a shelf life. accordingly, i
switched the discussion onto a
different track - that the issue was
more about how to certify the copying
*process*, regardless of the specific
media in question, and how to
determine the accuracy of the copy.
if the copying process is secure
and the copies have been confirmed
to match the original, this allows
you to make an 'official' version
whenever the original media version
reaches its designated lifespan.
the question of what actual media
is used before / after becomes moot
and we can be free to use the best
available technology to suit our
in today's film course class we
covered how to apply video and audio
effects such as colour correction and
noise filtering. i spent over 9 hours
staring at the computer in the lab and
still have quite a bit to do tomorrow.
hopefully it all comes together in
time for the evening screening of all
of our films (or works in progress).
- ip link of the day: Justice Rothstein
to be the next justice to join the
Supreme Court of Canada.
even tho some of his significant IP
decisions have gone against my own
views, i think that having another SCC
justice who is familiar with IP issues
can only be a benefit going forward.
however, legal researchers and librarians
should keep in mind what Justice Rothstein
wrote in the CCH decision
2002 FCA 187 (FCA):
"[265] In this case, the Law Society
does more than merely provide
photocopiers to its patrons. It also
provides a large collection of the
Publishers' works and these two
elements are offered by the Law
Society in a single environment.
From the nature of the requests
received by the custom photocopy
operation, it is evident that patrons
access the Publishers' materials. I
infer that patrons of the free-standing
photocopiers have similar interests and
therefore that they will also access
the Publishers' materials. Although
I recognize that the Great Library
contains non-copyrighted work,
e.g. statutes, it is unrealistic to
think that only this type of material
is reproduced on the photocopiers.
This is a case in which the action of
placing photocopiers in an environment
full of copyrighted works is bound to
result in infringing reproduction of
the Publishers' materials. In such a
situation it is my view that the Law
Society's indifference to this
inevitable outcome amounts to
authorization of the infringing
reproduction engaged in by its patrons."
completing a final cut !
Friday, 24FEB2006:
so i took a day of annual leave
today in order to spend 12 hours at
the computer lab at the college
working on my film project. it was
a good thing too, as a blizzard
kicked up in the afternoon and sent
everyone packing, resulting in a
postponement of this evening's
class to tomorrow afternoon.
instead of running against the
clock tomorrow, i managed to get
a cut that i was happy with tonight.
i can still do a little bit on
transitions and credits tomorrow,
but the major work is done.
lessons learned - whatever time you
expect something to take - double it.
get as much footage as you can, do a
first pass thru it as you capture to
disk, then kick back and reflect a
bit on everything you have. make
sure you've developed enough of a
puzzle that all the pieces can slot
themselves into. without an aim in
mind, all the futzing around with
the editing software looking for
'creativity' will only cause despair.
once you have your plan outlined,
sift thru the footage once again and
note the pieces that fit your new
vision and ruthlessly excise the rest
from your consideration.
i must say that the week spent on
this project has been extremely
enjoyable. neil tempted me with the
thought that apple might offer us
educational discounts on the final
cut pro software AND HARDWARE to
boot ! maybe i should consider
an editing career rather than the
planned journey to law school ?
putting on a show
Saturday, 25FEB2006:
skipped out on broomball today in
order to attend the screening of the
films that our class produced this
week. i was pretty happy with my
piece, but will tweak it a bit more
tomorrow and monday before letting
neil burn a copy to the official
class dvd. one of the sound
samples almost blew out the
portable speakers so i'll mess with
it on my home pc and reload it.
i'll also replace a couple of the
video pieces in the credits. JFre
was a bit exasperated when he output
his final film 5 minutes before
showtime, only to realize that his
music tracks had not been
incorporated because they had not
been copied to the local hard drive.
a short delay ensued, but all worked
out in the end.
in the evening, we helped celebrate
cyndi's birthday with another poker
matchup hosted by curtis. i managed
to reverse my losing streak and
almost recovered enough to make up
for my online loss last weekend
(recorded for posterity on my film -
oops, did i give away the ending ?).
i won the first game after vegas
kevin bet out so that we could start
another game. in the second, i did
the same against kevinj so that a 3d
game could start (a room full of
addicts, eh ?). with the decreasing
amount of time between increases in
the blinds, the game was not designed
for patience, and i was glad to skip
out early to engage a prior
from there, i travelled up to the
storehouse to meet up with some of
the other filmmakers and then
ferried our instructor ariella to
the legion so that she could get a
taste of the real iqaluit nightlife.
a special treat awaited us there -
a group of hip hop dancers had been
working with some locals and they
put on an amazing show on the legion
dancefloor. full of moxy moves,
spins, handstands and even a guy
bouncing up and landing right on his
head - the crowd was totally pumped
- link of the day:
to spell' - john irving comments:
Beside every word I look up in
the dictionary, I make a mark.
Beside every word I look up more
than once, I write a note to myself
- about WHY I looked it up. I have
looked up "strictly" 14 times since
1964. I prefer to spell it with a
k as in "stricktly". I have looked
up "ubiquitous" a dozen times. I
can't remember what it means.
First Post (27FEB2005)
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