First Post (27FEB2005)
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senatorhung's pad
ramblings of an information troubleshooter
winter is here for good
Sunday, 30OCT2005:
flew out of a sunny ottawa and landed
in a snowy iqaluit. i was planning
to crash in bed for the rest of the
day, but hauled myself out to go to
a rehearsal at the french school. we
were a bit worried, tho, as the wind
was kicking around the snow something
fierce, and there was talk of a
potential blizzard. however, by the
time we finished, the winds had
calmed down and we all made it home
ok, slippery roads notwithstanding.
- ip link of the day: douglas j.
masson wrote an article in 1997
about how copyright's
on fixation is no longer
sustainable in a digital environment:
[Current copyright laws] are
inadequate because they ... relied
on the premise that works have to
manifest themselves physically in
order to be communicated. This
premise is becoming less frequently
true, and mistakes made in domestic
laws are spread throughout the
world by virtue of international
intellectual property treaties as
well as by perpetuating the
paradigm of fixed copies. Future
intellectual property law must
recognize the increasingly flawed
nature of that premise. This
area of law must find a way to
work with the changing state of
intellectual property ...
hallowe'en surprises
Monday, 31OCT2005:
snoozed for a good 15 hours overnight
before being woken up by a phone call.
turns out the high school is putting
on a series of plays later this week
at 2 of the other schools and they
wanted some technical advice on how
to work with the spotlight. i swung
by the school after lunch and gave a
quick outline of the issues with each
venue and how to operate the spot.
later in the day, bella called to
advise me that she was shuttering our
production of 'rez sisters'. with
constant cast turnovers, the cast has
not been able to gel as well as she
had hoped, and we don't have enough
time until the projected december
production date to get up to speed.
a smaller and more feasible
production is being considered and
she'll let me know later this week
if that gets the go-ahead.
and for the first time in my 3 years
in this apartment complex, i had
trick-or-treaters come by to knock
on the door. luckily i still had
the goodie bag from the party that
i attended on friday, so i could
oblige without having to dig into
my stash of caramels that i've
maintained for my library patrons.
back to the work (out)
Tuesday, 01NOV2005:
after 13 days away, i returned to my
office expecting a disaster zone.
however, as i didn't have to slink
thru piles of mail to find my way to
my desk, i can consider myself lucky.
the stack of emails in my inbox was
another matter altogether. anyway,
among the pile of mail that arrived
today was a package sent from ottawa
on the 20th via express courier. so
much for 'overnight delivery' when
it comes to northern destinations.
amongst the catching up, i managed
to pull the trigger on a couple of
stock trades to soak up the spare
cash from a GIC that had reached
maturity and also the proceeds from
my previous sales late in the summer.
as i had suspected, i found out that
i was unable to trade stocks in the
'over the counter' market with my
rrsp account. i'll use this week's
paycheque to top up my trading
account and buy some from there.
after work i attended a meeting of
volunteers for the banff mountain
film festival. everything seems
to be coming together smoothly,
with fundraising letters going out
next week and major prize donations
already being lined up. i outlined
what i would do on the tech side,
including making a tentative booking
for a tech from ICSL, confirming
bryan's SOCAN status, and filling out
the tech prep report once the BMFF
folks make it available on their
after that, i wandered over to the
gym to try to make up for my
month-long slackerly absence. they
had a couple of new machines - a
standing ankle-raise machine and a
pseudo-rowing machine - both of which
i will try to make part of my regular
routine. malcolm, curtis, michelle,
Q, alistair and fletcher also made
appearances this evening. i think
it's likely a good sign when i start
to know more people at the gym than i
know when i walk into the bar.
- link of the day: are
the model of the future for the
music industry ?
These indie grassroots online
music labels are everywhere, and
are datapoints for a
transformation in the music world.
In the words of my brother-in-law,
"almost no one is making money in
electronic music anymore, except
for going and playing places."
There was an excess of music
production, beyond the ability of
traditional labels to distribute
it to listeners, so these new
labels sprang up to fill the need.
They succeed because they make
everyone happy. Listeners get
music for free, of course.
Artists get to have their music
distributed in high-quality
versions with good metadata,
album covers, etc. rather than
crappy low-fi rips with no
guarantee their name is on it.
But most of all, artists and the
labels build brands. The music
sells the artist's live shows
(if they have any), and the
quality of the music found and
distributed by the netlabel
builds the reputation of the
person behind the netlabel.
aged ramblings
Wednesday, 02NOV2005:
iqaluit broomball chronicle:
team white: mark, dan, jacques, marco
team black: siobhan, kerry, julian, me
while they played a bit sloppily,
making quite a few turnovers, it
was a team white rout in the first
half and team black was not able
to capitalize. with almost a
complete shutout of team black at
the half, we threw in the sticks
to centre ice to draw again.
team white: dan, julian, marco, me
team black: siobhan, kerry, mark, jacques
again team white dominated the scoring,
even tho the play was just about even.
while i managed to score a goal, just
about everyone else did as well. it
was a good free-flowing period and we
didn't even notice that our time was
way up until the buzzer sounded and we
got heckled by the next event's ref.
when i got home, i traded out the 4
pairs of pants (waist size 29) for
the 4 new pairs that i picked up in
montreal (waist size 30). could the
paunch of old age be finally catching
up to me ? an even more significant
sign of my onrushing dotatge is that
i jammed out on going to the
storehouse after the game just so i
could catch up on the laundry that
was still piled up from my trip.
egadz ! of course, i spent plenty
money down south, so it would serve
me well to be a tad prudent.
doing what you're good at
Thursday, 03NOV2005:
got my performance review back
today - no minuses, so i guess i
didn't screw up anything too
badly this year. i must say that
my job is not nearly as captivating
as the one performed by the arms
dealer portrayed by nicholas cage
in 'lord of war' which i watched
tonight at the astro theatre. it
was very spooky when he explains
why he continues in his role even
tho he knows that it's truly
jared leto's character echoed his
junkie character from 'requiem for
a dream' and i found it ironic that
a drug addict was the voice of
morality in a film about arms
dealing. ian holm plays a ruthless
competitor who uses his arms deals
to play politics. bridget moynihan
is picture perfect as the seemingly
clueless trophy wife who finally
reaches her limits. when she
pleads with her husband, "we have
enough", i wonder whether she fears
for his safety or is just starting
to understand her own complicity in
ignoring how he provides for her.
another notable detail was that the
film was mainly set in africa,
similar to 'the constant gardener',
but without the colourful
cinematography that leavened the
brutality undercutting each scene.
also, jeff buckley's 'hallelujah'
made another standout appearance
on the soundtrack.
returning home, i warmed up some
lasagna leftovers from last night
and finished up some mixes for the
trade arranged by
press club impressions
Friday, 04NOV2005:
after skipping last month's press
club meeting, i made a (late)
return appearance tonight. bill
riddell was the featured guest
speaker and instead of just
talking about himself, he acted
as a moderator to introduce a
topic and frame a very insightful
group discussion. when i decided
to join the press club this year,
it was exactly this type of
conversation that i was hoping
the group would facilitate.
now, one of the press club rules
is that anything said there is
completely off the record so that
people will feel free to say
whatever's on their mind. this
can make things a bit difficult,
but also perhaps more honest.
however, i don't think anyone
will mind if i use this platform
to rehash my own contribution to
the discussion on the 'culture of
first, i tried to deflate the idea
that the shuttering of marginally
viable communities would never
happen, considering that some of
the communities never existed 50
years ago. a grand repeat of the
interplay of two competing
societies with different sets of
values and strengths, the social
experiment of northern canada may
finally have run up against the
rock that folk heroes like
tecumseh or louis riel ran into
in their struggles against the
colonial powers-that-be.
it doesn't matter if you have a
'voice' in the system, if the
system itself rejects your entire
cultural infrastructure, even if
inadvertently. 'this is the way
things work' is a truly evil
refrain, but one that is the
crutch for many otherwise
unjustifiable policies or methods.
the lack of institutional respect
for inuit values that is already
baked into the systems that we've
inherited undercuts any soundbite
i brought up the analogy of the
'buy vs. build' programmer's choice,
where you can go the economically
most efficient route of buying
software off the shelf or you can
follow the more time-consuming, more
difficult, but also potentially more
rewarding option of rolling your own.
the 'buy vs. build' choice comes down
to whether what is sought is a core
function - if so, you build, if not,
you buy or outsource.
instead of using the strengths of
inuit culture to build something new,
we have simply 'bought' the idea of
settlements (to facilitate service
delivery), political systems and
concepts of justice. now that the
feds pay the bills, they're in charge
of the the frills. inuit societies
will only survive if they wean
themselves off of this tepid tap and
decide which bills are worth paying
and which elements they can provide
for themselves.
i think that there is a community
of non-inuit that would support these
aims, but the longer the people
themselves don't agitate for a better
deal for their own lives, the more
disheartened these qallunaaq will get.
the civil rights movement was a
grassroots battle against a society
that was entrenched and unwilling to
recognize the rights of those
purported to be equal. i truly hope
that the north will not have to
endure a similar battle before it
stumbles upon a better model.
my final comment was that being poor
is not the problem, but the fact that
people have no hope of being anything
other than poor, and that the current
system of privilege prefers to reserve
the fruits of the capitalist consumer
economy to those few deemed the
winners in the social lottery.
now, on to another sort of press club.
tim o'reilly updates his stats and
comments again on the googleprint
controversy -
- Only 4% of Titles Are Being Commercially Exploited:
Making intermediate electronic
copies in order to create derived
works that are themselves fair
use is one of those technological
changes that requires us to
rethink the narrow interpretation
of copyright law that old-line
companies would have us hold onto.
In short, I believe that the AAP's
position is intellectually dishonest.
They are pretending that opt-in is
a real solution to the orphaned works
problem, when by the numbers, it
clearly is not.
happy housewarming
Saturday, 05NOV2005:
iqaluit broomball chronicle:
team white: jacques, marco, julian, colette, yoan
team black: mark, dan, kerry, me
julian's first shot from the slot
dribbled in behind mark to put
team white in the lead early.
yoan slid around to put it in the
side of the net while i was
sprawled to the other side.
mark snipered one in from the
slot as did kerry. it was a very
close game with strong pressure
in offensive zones by both teams.
similarly, both teams had trouble
clearing the puck from their own
mark sustained a near-grievous
injury from a point-blank shot by
jacques but managed to recover
after a brief spell. colette made
an awesome save on mark at the
finish after i dispy-doodled my way
down the boards past jacques. the
final tally was even steven at 4-4,
with mark, kerry and marco scoring
2 goals apiece and yoan and julian
getting singles. dan's apparently
waiting for his lucky stick to
arrive in the equipment order
before he unleashes his scoring
after the game i picked up some
nav supper to carry over to
vinnie's housewarming party. it
was pretty quiet to start with, so
i just hung out with robert, jack
and vinnie by their wood-burning
stove and watched the hockey game.
after the elimination draw closed
at the legion, more people started
to arrive and by 11 the joint was
hopping to the rafters as vinnie
showed off the new dvd player he
had picked up from the source.
First Post (27FEB2005)
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