First Post (27FEB2005)
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senatorhung's pad
ramblings of an information troubleshooter
getting caught up
Sunday, 16OCT2005:
went to a couple of waste management
meetings in the afternoon. it was
interesting to see the similarities
and differences between the city's
approach and the community-based
approach. whoever said that politics
was a blood sport wasn't kidding.
however, if we can co-ordinate all
our resources and efforts, something
good may yet come out of this whole
stinky mess.
afterwards i caught up with stef at
fantasy palace before heading to the
frob to split a pizza with odile.
it was a treat to have them both
back in town. odile sparked my envy
when she mentioned that she had seen
'ted leo and the pharmacists' in
concert while she was down south. i
had put one of their tracks on my
latest mix that i will post tomorrow
to aotm.
i complained a bit today about feeling
like i have too much on my plate and
tried to figure out why i feel the
need to be involved in so many things.
some of it might be self-induced guilt
that some things that need doing just
won't get done if i don't step up.
but then i have to ask myself what i
get out of it. maybe they are just a
way for me to meet interesting people.
or maybe i just don't have a very
interesting life and distract myself
from that sordid fact by always being
on the run ?
music on my mind
Monday, 17OCT2005:
i posted my latest mix
'perfect weapons'
to aotm today. made a bunch of
typos that i'll have to correct
at work tomorrow - can't update
from home because i'm still using
netscape 4.08 and will have to
keep doing so until i can
re-install winxp so that my
system gets stable enough to give
mozilla a try.
i also booked a ticket for a
concert in montreal on wednesday
night, where josh ritter is
opening for the frames. i'll
step off the plane around 7, get
down to the hostel in old montreal
by 8 and then walk over to the
club before the show starts at 9.
beauty ! like my first concert
ever (spoons opening for gowan),
i'm mostly going to see the opening
act. i've included josh's song
'harrisburg' on a few
mixes this year, so i've burnt a
copy of one of them and plan on
giving it to him as i hand over
some of my cash to buy one of his
cd's in person.
mail order bundles of joy
Tuesday, 18OCT2005:
received my comic book and amazon mail
orders this week. the first issue of
'emily the strange' comic was almost a
total disappointment. while the emily
character was iconically kewl, the
rest of the book looked like chicken
scratches and the comments intended to
be wry, were rather 'whatever' instead.
however, this bitter stew was leavened
by a double shot of joy from ted
naifeh. first, the final issue of
'death, jr.' - you could tell that
they were looking to kludge in the
gaming tie-in elements in this issue,
but it was still heart-warming. 2d,
was the first issue of 'polly and the
pirates', a tale of a young girl in
an orphanage who gets kidnapped by
pirates. it seems that they are
missing a captain ... :)
honourable mentions go to the two
must-read bendis books, 'daredevil'
and 'powers' (anniversary special).
this guy writes fabulous dialogue,
and this is matched with amazing
artwork from both maleev and oeming.
also of note was the final issue of
'nyx', which has seemingly taken a
couple of years to get completed.
the josh middleton cover almost made
it worth the wait.
as far as the amazon order goes, i've
been distracted from packing for my
flight to the south tomorrow by that
darn world poker tour dvd set. i am
an addict, no doubt about it. also
looking forward to hearing the cd's
and reading neil gaiman's latest
novel when i get back to the north.
- link of the day: joost smiers
and marieke van schijndel
a world without copyright:
Copyright was once a means to
guarantee artists a decent income.
Aside from the question as to whether
it ever actually functioned as such
- most artists never made a penny
from the copyright system - we have
to admit that copyright serves an
altogether different purpose in the
contemporary world. It now is the
tool that conglomerates in the music,
publishing, imaging and movie
industries use to control their
Cultural monopolists desperately want
us to believe that without copyright
we would have no artistic creations
and therefore no entertainment. That
is nonsense. We would have more, and
more diverse ones.
culture shocks
Wednesday, 19OCT2005:
went into the office this morning
to clear up a few final loose ends
before fleeing to the south. some
days you just feel like you're
stepping on toes and then you find
out that you were doing exactly what
you were supposed to. anyway, it
was a beautiful day this morning in
iqaluit, with most of the snow
melted from the streets. it's kind
of a shame that i'm down in montreal
now - by the time i get back, i
expect that winter will have taken
tenacious hold for the season.
the flight attendant on the first
air flight was a familiar and
oh-so-cute sight. it's such a
temptation to test your charm on
someone who's paid to be nice to
you :p on the leg
between kuujuaq and montreal, we
were treated to a beautiful sunset
as the sun slowly sank beneath the
horizon of clouds.
sebastien behind the counter
recognized me from my previous
visits when i checked into the
auberge alternative in old montreal.
after i got settled in, i confirmed
the location of club soda at the
corner of st. laurent and st.
catherine. and then set out on foot
to get there in time for the show.
josh ritter was outstanding.
there was not a dud song in his entire
set. amazing songwriting matched with
folk/country/pop melodies and a
self-deprecating stage presence. i
ended up buying a copy of every cd that
he had available at the venue. while
getting them signed, i delivered a copy
of my
exposures mix to him - it includes
a copy of his track 'harrisburg'. i
was very impressed with the 'loud'
rockabilly version that he played for us
tonight and when i asked him if he was
planning on putting it on disk, he
suggested that i contact a person on
website who might be able to provide
bootlegs in some kind of music exchange.
yeeha ! josh was very personable,
freely giving out hugs and making sure
every one of his fans walked away happy
from their encounter with him.
the frames didn't impress me much at
first, but by the end of their set,
they had grown on me. i think part
of the problem for me was that the
lead singer's voice sounds a bit like
dave matthews (whose music i don't
like). however, the tunes definitely
picked up a notch whenever you could
hear the fiddler. they covered an
arcade fire track, 'ring of fire'
(johnny cash rules !) and a song that
sounded suspiciously like a pixies
track. pandering to the montreal
crowd, the lead singer related a tale
from a summer festival. they were
hanging out around the stage, pointing
out what looked to be members of the
arcade fire, when one of the arcade
fire folks came by and asked them if
they were the frames. there's no
telling how far mutual admiration
can take you.
and now here i am blogging from
BattleNet.24, a 24-hour internet cafe.
ah, now *this* is city living !
sparks of plenty for the palette
Thursday, 20OCT2005:
slept in until the afternoon today so
i missed out on my planned shopping
frenzy. guess i stayed up a bit too
late playing online poker last night.
hey, it was only for play money and
i quit after only 3 hours (at 4:30 in
the morning). i busted out so many
times, i quit keeping track. it will
take me a little bit longer to get up
the nerve to try playing for real
money. the most memorable beat
was when i flopped a 5-high straight
while holding a 2-4. another 5 came
on the river and i bet into the other
player's high bet. turns out he had
a 3-5 and had made his full-boat !
after doing a bit of reading in the
common room of the hostel for my
saturday meeting, i checked out a
few sushi places in montreal online.
the choice was to find a place close
by to quickly allay the hunger pangs,
or to find a place closer to where i
would be attending another concert
tonight so it would only be a short
jaunt over when i was done eating.
my stomach won out and i ended
up at Nagoya, a nice spot less
than a block west of Notre Dame.
the unadon (unagi bowl) was
superb - while the eel was not
swathed in the usual teriyaki swirl,
it nonetheless melted in my mouth.
the other maki and nigiri that i
ordered also went down well, with
the tempura bits in the kamikaze
rolls standing out with their bacon
flavour. there was less energy at
the sushi bar than my former sushi
haunt, now sadly defunct, but they
made up for it with the presentation
of the rolls, which were wide enough
to show off the variety of colours
and textures.
after that huge stuffing, i could
barely waddle out of the restaurant.
however, i decided to wander back
up to the internet cafe to play a bit
more poker while i digested. in an
hour, i played 50 hands, winning
only 6, half of those with pocket
rockets (including the very first
hand !). the stack reached $2000
at its highest, but i busted out and
ended up in the exact same place
as i had started. i think that i'll
try to get that stack up to $20k in
play money before sticking any real
dollars into the kitty.
then it was on to the sala rossa.
the walk over was quite a bit more
than i expected, but i still made
it to the venue before the bands
started. first up was whitey
houston, a duo of drums and
guitar who played what i would
call 'monster rock'- loud and
agressive, but not quite
stadium-ready. the singer
mentioned that the drummer's name
was david granger so many times
that i thought i'd note it here
(he did play quite well). next
up were the fembots, a sizable
ensemble that included a whole
variety of instruments in addition
to the regular guitars and drums,
including tambourines, a violin and
some kind of tube contraption.
they weren't really my thing, but
i enjoyed the mix of flavours as
much as i had enjoyed the sushi
last up for the night (for me
anyway, as i had to skip out on
the last band, 'shout out out out
out') was luc doucette. he was
all dressed up in suit and tie and
played mostly tracks from his
latest cd. he did play 'new york,
new york' by request, so i got a
chance to sing along to at least
one song. it's funny, but on both
nights, some of the band members
have reminded me of other people
that i know. tonight's violin player
looked like a younger rhonda, and
the female accompaniment to luc
looked like paleah. yesterday, the
lead singer of the frames looked
like michael and josh looked like
greg. i wonder if there's some kind
of musician genetic type or maybe
i'm just getting old enough and met
enough people that every new person
that i meet will look like someone
else that i've met before ?
more montreal culinary delights
Saturday, 22OCT2005:
well, my work here in montreal is now
done. 2 days of meetings and fine
dining has left me stuffed, both in
mind and body. now i have a few days
pause to digest before heading on to
ottawa where i will put on a third hat
and continue my working road trip.
after thursday nite's sushi feast,
yesterday's meal was italian, and
tonight featured mexican dishes. we
weren't too impressed yesterday when
our set menu ended up taking over 3
hours to completely arrive. tonight's
offering was much better, save for a
spill on someone's leather jacket that
was quickly fussed over and cleaned up.
my meal of burritos was delicious and
made the offerings of taco bell taste
like cardboard.
afterwards, on the walk over to the
internet cafe, i took a long detour to
ben and jerry's, where i got a fix of
sorbet to carry me until the next time
i'm in town. while it was a bit chilly
outside, the kiwi/strawberry and
mango/lime combo made an excellent
palette cleanser. for the rest of the
evening, i plan on catching up on my
news reading and then a couple of rounds
of online poker.
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