First Post (27FEB2005)
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senatorhung's pad
ramblings of an information troubleshooter
snoozing after brunch
Sunday, 07AUG2005:
got woken up this gray sunday morning
by a call from bryan inviting me over
to his abode for brunch. if you know
me, you know that i will rarely turn
down an offering of food, and with
the weather being so gloomy, i didn't
feel so bad about cancelling out on
my previous plan of a bicycling trip
to apex with isabelle.
with wilf and manon, we had a very
interesting conversation, covering a
wide ranging set of topics including
blue rodeo's last visit to town,
hanging out with some of dief's
cabinet members, the difficulty
finding a bathroom while travelling,
hosting some of the crew of the
'discovery' space shuttle at the
astro, and the reasonability of
airport security measures.
still tired from my late bedtime, i
laid down for a further nap and ended
up hitting the snooze button for
nearly 4 hours ! good thing i have
tolerant neighbours.
lost illusions
Monday, 08AUG2005:
yes, it's true. google has finally
succumbed to a
of evilness. blog commentary is
available here
but that petty PR attack doesn't diminish
the truth of the
cnet news article that started off
the kerfluffle.
If search history, e-mail and registration
information were combined, a company could
see intimate details about a person's
health, sex life, religion, financial
status and buying preferences.
It's "data that's practically a printout
of what's going on in your brain: What
you are thinking of buying, who you talk
to, what you talk about ... It is an
unprecedented amount of personal
information, and these third parties
(such as Google) have carte blanche
control over that information." has been hosting a series of book
reviews of classic books on many 'to-be-read'
piles. today's book was
'lost illusions'. here's a note
from that review:
When you're a novelist, or want to be one,
and instead of staying at home to nurture
your genius, you're chasing some romantic
prospect, or drinking too much with your
friends, or writing another book review,
it's never entirely clear whether you are
wasting your time, or whether, in fact,
you are investing in so many treasury
bonds to be paid out in the form of mature
works. It could be that ostensible
distraction is really just a diversified
portfolio of experience.
speaking of portfolios, one of my stocks
went up 23% this afternoon on news that
they had inked a memorandum of
understanding with a chinese outfit that had
heavy political coverage. when i got home,
i was surprised to find that i actually had
more shares than i thought, and had made
about 2 weeks salary today. since this is
all just paper profit, i'll be unloading a
few shares in the next couple of days to
lock in some real profits.
after hitting the gym, i mocked up a cover
for my latest mix cd and then sat down
with my supper to dig into my dvd set of
the 3d season of 'northern exposure'. i
had managed to finish off the 2d season
of 'quantum leap' last week after a
couple of months of viewing, but after
the first episode of NE, i was ready to
stay up all night to watch the rest in
one go. janine turner is just *so* cute
as 'maggie'. i think i might have even
been in the neighbourhood of her ranch
while i was bopping around texas. even
tho i'm probably too young for her, i
think i'd still happily play the role
of her giggolo :)
patience rewarded
Tuesday, 09AUG2005:
went to lunch at the snack with marc, sara
and rob. afterwards, marc came over to my
office and we chatted about library stuff.
i showed him my expenditure and budgeting
spreadsheets and routines that i had
developed over the last 3 years, and he
took a few copies to show to his manager.
held off on pulling the trigger on my stock
sale to see if yesterday's price would hold
up. STG went up another 11.5% today, so i
will take 2/5ths of my shares off the table
tomorrow. i'm not a day-trader, but the
problem with investing or partnering in
china is the risk of having your technology
appropriated and then being set adrift.
got my comic book and amazon shipments
today. from amazon, i received a copy
of 'shadow of the giant' so i will finish
off that series in the next week after
wrapping up the 30 remaining pages in my
current book. i also got a copy of 'zinn
and the art of mountain bike maintenance',
so i may see if i can get the front brakes
on my bike fixed up meself.
oil and money make the world go 'round
Wednesday, 10AUG2005:
finished reading linda mcquaig's book, 'it's
the crude, dude' late last nite / early this
morning. while the rhetoric and insinuations
flow very heavily at times, the underlying
facts and explanations presented are nothing
to scoff at. read in conjunction with daniel
yergin's 'the prize', you will get a very
good sense of how oil shaped global politics
and economics in the 20th century and how the
current u.s. invasion of iraq is merely a
prelude to another century of oil wars.
i'm going to have to re-read it again in a
few months to really grasp everything she
has mixed in tho. mcquaig does a very good
job at pinpointing the leading figures in this
global oligarchy and her alternate take from
yergin's more corporate-friendly view of oil
company history is refreshing. however, i
still have a bit of difficulty, on first read,
at determining whether her book might actually
convince anyone who didn't already believe that
the story about the iraq war, fronted by the
u.s. administration and perpetuated by the
mainstream media, was a complete sham.
i did sell off some 20% of my STG stock today,
at the market price to make sure they sold.
however, they still got broken up into 2
blocks, so i'll have to pay double commission.
the one consolation is that this is in my
trading account, so i can claim the fees as
deductions on the capital gains, which i will
have to pay tax on. i also set a 30-day sell
order on another 20% of the shares at a fixed
price that would net me another $800 above
today's sale.
i've been working on a new mix cd and one of
the songs had a lyric that i just couldn't
decipher. i went online to search, but i
didn't have much hope as the song was by a
saskatoon indie band from 1991. imagine my
surprise when i found that their debut album
sold on ebay for $305 and that this fanbase
was international as the same cd was offered
180 euros. the cover art on the sites
looked familiar, so when i got home, i
checked my cd binders and lo and behold, i
had my own copy already, with lyrics intact.
the mystery word was 'balladeros', but i
didn't find it in any of my dictionaries.
so, i'm hoping that some reader out there
in blogland might be able to interpret the
lyric 'kick off your balladeros' and
enlighten me.
also got my comic book order in today and read
a few of the issues. the best that i read was
ted naifeh's first volume of courtney crumrin
tales, 'a portrait of the warlock as a young
man', featuring courtney's uncle aloysius as
a young adventurer and his romance with the
daughter of the leader of an anti-magic posse.
anyway, i keep raving about naifeh's kewl art,
so here's a sample:
a friday friendly out of the fog
Friday, 12AUG2005:
today's inuktitut word of the day was
j6Xs/6 '',
meaning 'bannock'.
after finally deciding on a title, i
uploaded my latest mix,
Flight 867, you are cleared for departure to
aotm today. i've been listening to it all
week without getting bored of it, so i'm
pretty confident about its staying power.
and i already have a comment on it from one
of my fellow mix traders.
poker night attendees were patrick, becky,
mark, john, and me. 3 people jammed on us,
so they will get an earful. i ended up
coming in 3d, with patrick doing the honours.
he actually took me down for 2 nice hands,
once when we both had full boats (his set of
Q's vs. my J's) and my final all-in where his
high straight overcame my low straight. when
i left, him and mark were still facing off,
with mark continuing to play mr. tight man.
however, given how well i've done on the stock
market this week, i'm not going to sweat the
money i left on the table - i'm just choked
about losing the bragging rights ... at least
until the next match :)
- link of the day:
literati vs. layman
Training and socialization are the
backbones of appreciation. When
architects look at a building, they
see far more than laymen see. When
musicians listen to a composition,
they hear far more than laymen hear.
And likewise, when critics read a
novel, they comprehend far more than
laymen comprehend.
This just underscores an obvious fact:
in many cases, how much one knows
conditions what one can and cannot
This is why so much popular culture seems
ideologically inert, or 'entertainment
pure and simple,' to laymen: because our
socialized beliefs frame our perspective,
it's difficult to take a perspective on
them, and since we can't take a perspective
on them, we assume there's nothing to take
a perspective on (and comments like this
one, strike us as 'out of the blue' or
'just plain wrong').
no mix tape is accidental
Saturday, 13AUG2005:
today's radio show celebrated the art of
mixing and i used tracks from my latest
Flight 867, you are cleared for departure.
aur.oral exposures setlist for 13aug2005:
- Row - Jon Brion
- Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometimes - Beck
- Be My Girl - May Run
- Over You - Barry Canning
- Runaway Train - Blue Rodeo
cowtown set:
- If I Were You - The Blue Shadows
- The Time We're Livin' - Beautiful 2000
- maybe - brown eyed susans
- Almost - Bowling for Soup
- If You Knew (live) - Neko Case
- doreen - Old 97's
- The mix tape is a list of
quotations - Matias Viegener
- Save Me, Alice Neel ! - Lowest of the Low
- West Coast Rain - Captain Tractor
- Winding Road - Bonnie Somerville
- The Golden Age (live) - Cracker
- You only tell me you love me when you're drunk
- Pet Shop Boys
Here's the Matias Viegener excerpt from Thurston
Moore's book,
mix tape: the art of cassette culture':
The mix tape is a list of quotations,
a poetic form in fact: the cento is a
poem made up of lines pulled from other
poems. The new poet collects and
remixes. Similarly an operation of
taste, it is also cousin to the curious
passion of the obsessive collector.
Unable to express himself in a 'pure'
art, the collector finds himself in
obssessive acquisition. Collecting is
strangely hot and cold, passionate and
calculating. All we can agree upon is
that it's not the same as making art.
Or is it ? A mix tape can never be
perfect. My taste as a mixer tells you
even more about me than my taste as a
consumer already does. No mix tape is
accidental. They are avante-garde too,
like the cut-up. A parallel to Xerox
art, an antecedent to sampling. The
mix cassette as a situationist
spectacle, a derive. Making the
existing world tell tales it does not
intend to tell. You get the world to
send you a message it never meant to
deciding to postpone watching 'wedding
crashers' in favour of a nap, i then
finished reading
shadow of the giant'
by orson scott card. a nice wrap-up
to the series, it pulled together a lot
of loose ends but still left open the
possibility of a few side jaunts
should the author choose to explore
them in the future. card is very
cynical about sweeping political and
social movements but is fervently
hopeful about the ties between family
and friends. the idea that all of
these brilliant children who once
worked together to save humanity had
to isolate themselves from each other
for the good of the planet was very
poignant, and while probably realistic,
perhaps a bit too fatalistic.
closed off the evening at the legion
where i hooked up with malcolm and
sara, who had just finished their
radio show, and also olivia, curtis
and monte. swung over to the pool
table for a few games, with epeebee
besting me 3-2 in a best of 5 series
after we see-sawed all nite. makku
beat me once, while maddy let me win
the game against her. after the
lights came on, i tagged along with
joe and dennis over to janine's place
and hung out there until the first
light of dawn began to creep up on us
around 4 a.m.
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