First Post (27FEB2005)
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senatorhung's pad
ramblings of an information troubleshooter
a day at the cinema ...
Sunday, 22MAY2005:
metro'd out to the AMC forum to check
out the korean revenge-fest 'old boy'.
the flick was a typically violent asian
film with all sorts of nice twisty
undertones. the movie was well-designed
to press all sorts of squeamish buttons
in the viewer's head, tho suprisingly
restrained when it came to on-screen
after that, i had meant to see jet li's
'unleashed', but hit chinatown instead
to see if i could pick up some sesame
balls (jin dui) for david. went back
and forth thru the maze of chinatown for
awhile until someone pointed out the
jade garden bakery for me. talk about
hiding in plain sight - here i was
looking for some hole in the wall and
the bakery ended up being the biggest
storefront on the street ! they had
takeout dim sum as well as a huge
buffet, so i scarfed down a few shrimp
balls on the patio while waiting for a
batch of jin dui to be made up.
from there, i wandered up to the cinema
du parc to catch a couple more films.
first was '3-iron', another korean film
that was full of smirking mischief, with
2 lead characters who say hardly a word,
yet still manage to communicate so much.
a story about appearances, about love,
about really rad motorcyles and the
pains of golf. lots of fun !
to close out this day of films, i parked
myself in the adjacent cinema to catch
'enron: the smartest guys in the room'.
this film managed to build the case
against enron's higher mucketymucks in
devastating fashion. tight editing and
insightful interviews allowed this film
to surpass the similarly themed 'the
corporation' in both informing and
entertaining the audience. all in all,
a very good compilation of the audacious
ideas and mentalities that proved to be
the downfall of the enron principals.
from there, it was a long-ish walk back
down to the auberge, but i still was
able to sneak into chinatown for a late
nite supper of sweet marinated bbq
pork, chinese mushrooms and broccoli.
ah, the joys of city life !
back into the fray
Monday, 23MAY2005:
checked out of the auberge early in the morning
and caught a cab to the airport. if i had half an
hour more before my flight, i would have been
able to stop into olive + gourmando to pick up
some chocolate loaf that odile had recommended.
saw qajaq at the airport and swapped tales of our
respective holidays - she had been on the same
flight south that started this grand x-country tour.
on the first air flight we were treated to hot towels
- great for waking me up since i didn't get time to
when i got off the plane, there were no taxis in sight,
so i started dragging my luggage along since i didn't
live too far away (or too far uphill). i had to stop at
fantasy palace as i spotted joe and cyndi enjoying
the sun out on the patio and chatted with them there
until they offered to help me lug my stuff to the post
office. halfway there, janine pulled up with her vehicle
and we loaded up to go the rest of the 2 blocks.
this is the kind of thing that *wouldn't* happen in the
big burg.
once i got a few things unpacked, david called and
we arranged to head back to fantasy palace to meet
up. emilie and odile also decided to come out. i
showed off action pics from the vancouver aquarium,
including the beluga whales, the sea lion and the
scampering seals. i delivered the bag of red bean
sesame balls to david and he almost squealed with
also, i found out that odile had recommended the
restaurant at victoria's butchart gardens from first-hand
knowledge as she had actually worked there herself.
as odile took off on her bike for the haul up the hill,
i walked with david and emilie to the road to nowhere
turnoff, taking snapshots of the culvert waterfall. i
then proceeded on uphill toward's malcolm's to drop
off the t-shirt that i had picked up for him at the
conference. ran into rhoda along the way and
strolled with her around the corner before malcolm
sauntered over from the rocks behind his place.
turns out he and sara had been scoping out the sights
of town and enjoying a couple of brews in the open
air. malcolm had the bright idea of hosting a bbq, so
we picked up some sausages and buns from the
quickstop. after we had sated ourselves, we hit the
astro theatre to check out 'the interpreter'. malcolm
and sara didn't much like it and walked out partway.
i found the acting enjoyable but agreed with the
reviewers that the attempt to create tension by
constantly cutting back to the african leader's
motorcade arrival failed to do so.
when i got home, i opened the new comics shipment
that malcolm had picked up for me. here were the
standout goodies:
- 'pvp' 16 pokes fun at the marvel comics vs.
city of heroes lawsuit. for those who are
unfamiliar, city of heroes is an online
role-playing game where subscribers can design
their own super-hero characters, and some
inspired (read 'lazy') fans of marvel comics have
chosen to emulate their idols. now marvel is
taking the game developer to court for copyright
infringement. half of these claims were
in march.
- in 'true story, swear to god' 13, tom beland
recreates his whining about his difficulty
adjusting to life in puerto rico where nothing
seems to go his way. his lack of a regular
paycheck, disconnection with his family in napa
and frustrations with language issues cause
strain in his relationship with lily.
- in 'little star' 2, andi watson continues his
story about a stay at home dad in britain and
his lack of creative development painting
designs on plates.
- but my favourite of the month was the first
issue of
'death jr.'
by gary whitta and ted naifeh. the fact that
the book is based on an upcoming playstation
portable (PSP) game, doesn't mean that it
can't be fun.
i've grown to love naifeh's art since i first
saw his self-created
crumrin' series, but here he gets to work his
quirky magic in full colour. whitta and naifeh
team up to present a fun story about the first
day of school for the grim reaper's clueless
but carefree progeny. he gets to meet the
other 'special' kids including pandora (famous
for opening boxes) who ends up walking him home
to the delight of dj's parents. looking
forward to the next issue.
ordering from a catalogue can be fun !
Tuesday, 24MAY2005:
oh what a treat to sleep in until 4 in the afternoon.
it's exactly for this reason that i took a few extra
days off after the southern trip - both to recover and
to feed my nocturnal inclinations.
previews order for july:
- emily the strange - don't really have high
expectations for this series - i really just
want a sample of emily artwork without having
to buy something too cheezy.
- silent
dragon - a new series that features
some sharp artwork by leinil yu that reminds
me (in a good way) of chris bachalo's early
work on 'shade, the changing man'.
- bonerest - another new series that caught
my eye - the 4 pg. preview has the bony
protagonist flirting with a waitress in a
- dark
mists - this is a series that i
somehow missed previously, even tho i spend
hours poring over every listing. the 3d issue
was listed with a striking sample of cover art
by lee garbett, so i've back-ordered copies of
the 1st 2 issues as well to get caught up.
- oh, and the northern exposure season 3 dvd
a bit of this and a bit of that
Wednesday, 25MAY2005:
i slept in until 4 again today. i had set the alarm,
but had neglected to turn it on - oops ;).
i was up in time to run up to the high school to get
added onto team 'spankon' (formerly spankon rankin)
for the rest of the soccer league. met my team mates
robert, cyrus, mike, keith and joseph, while luke also
joined in as a sub. we faced off against david iou's
boozers (who i played with before my vacation), and
they managed to squeak out a win by scoring a goal
with only 10 seconds left on the clock. final score
was 3-2 for them.
i also spent some time sorting out my domain name
registration. it seems that CIRA has implemented a
new (and better) privacy policy, but is also trying to
improve the accuracy of the identification info in its
database. so, i sent some of my *personal*
information to my registrar to pass on to them - i
really hope that i don't start getting flooded with
spam snail mail and faxes cuz of this ...
yet another day of vacation in the sun
Thursday, 26MAY2005:
ran around town today trying to figure out how
to get a spare building key. luckily, the landlord's
office was right next to fantasy palace, so i was
able to hang out on their patio in the sun for a bit
to recover from my running around. i hobnobbed
with folks at the neighbouring tables before
continuing on to a spot along federal road to read
another chapter of my current book.
the evening was occupied with a repeat barbeque
at malcolm's, with sara, olivia, dan, tracey, john,
shuling and chris. malcolm worked his magic on
the grill, turning out scrumptious sausages, beefy
burgers and fine roasted char. olivia prepared a
salad to alleviate any guilt over the meat-fest.
another friday at the legion
Friday, 27MAY2005:
well, i wasn't planning on posting current blog entries
until i had finished posts outlining the family trip and
the conference, but since i just haven't gotten organized
with photos and recollections, i'll just plow ahead and
then infill later. this way, maybe i'll stop
procrastinating, and keep the posts fresh as daisies :)
today was another beautiful day with clear skies and
warm sunshine. i had an appointment at work for a
meeting in the afternoon. of course, the people who
the meeting was mostly intended to influence didn't
manage to make it, so it ended up being mercifully
everyone at the office seemed glad to see me,
and with the phrase 'i like to chmod' emblazoned
on my t-shirt, i had a lot of inquiries as to what
meant. i advised all to check the phrase
on google. of course, when posting my updates to
the blog tonite, i ended up having to use this
multiple times, so it was good to be wearing the
from the office, i hit up the northmart to further
re-stock my fridge with pie, pickles and fixings for
a curried chicken meal that i've had a hankering for.
had a bit of time between grocery shopping and my
soccer game, so i fired up my pc to make another
attempt at the Poker Kings texas hold'em tourney.
after numerous attempts this week, with final table
placements in 6th and 2nd, i finally triumphed with my
first tourney win on this addictive offline game since
leaving iqaluit. i was pretty stoked.
went to my soccer game in the early evening. turns
out that cyrus is also named kook and joseph is also
named natuk. robert repeated his grand exploits in
goal, getting a shutout in the first half. also joining us
were connie, keith and mike. the final tally was 4-1
for our team with kook getting 2, and keith and mike
each getting a solo. liam scored the only goal for the
other side.
after a quick shower and an attempt to colour my
hair with a golden-glitter gel, i wandered over to vinnie's
for a pre-legion party. robert was there when i arrived
and we were soon joined by odile and lori. greg showed
up with a bottle of ouzo and i succumbed to the urge to
sample a shot. we all demonstrated our true geekiness
by quoting favourite lines from 'the princess bride'.
once david, lori, emilie, danielle and amanda had joined
us, we headed over to the legion.
turns out we would be celebrating emilie's birthday and
pre-celebrating odile's. filled with ouzo-inspired mania,
i lugged emilie over to a puddle on the way to the legion.
i had meant to walk thru the water without actually
dunking her in, but she squirmed and i let her drop, and
her stomp splattered mud all over her pants. greg and i
tried to convince her that it was a fashion statement, but
i still ponied up for a drink for her at the legion to
try to make amends.
what is the round white thing up there ?
Saturday, 28MAY2005:
accomplished a bike / hike up to the navcan globe past
the dump on federal road. couldn't figure out where the
turnoff was at first, but it became obvious once i climbed
up onto the ridge. once up there, i stopped to read
another chapter, and ran across this insightful quote by
count maurice maeterlinck: "the words which we
pronounce have no meaning except through the silence in
which they are bathed." once the wind starting
kicking up, tho, i had to start moving to keep warm.
my camera batteries conked out once i began my return
journey, so i wasn't able to get any shots of the
aquamarine lagoons still basking with ice. however, i
did explore all of the other trails along the ridge,
checking out a high-frequency radio transmitter. on the
way down, i kicked up a huge spray from the
meltwater-grooved roadways - i imagined that it was
what going down a waterslide must feel like.
when i got home, i caught up on reading.
one interview featured
speaking about her new book that goes over her time
in china in the 1990's. she made an interesting
comment about poetry:
"this is an important component of good poetry -- if you
present an anecdote and then you make it universal in
a way that's funny or attractive, you've been successful.
if you present an anecdote and you do nothing to make
it universal, you've been self-loving, because your
anecdote isn't interesting unless it applies to other
people. And yet at the same time, if you make it too
general, then you're stereotyping."
spent the early part of the evening finally catching up
on the chores that i had been neglecting all week.
malcolm called me up from his radio booth to see
if i had any requests and he kindly played the live
version of concrete blonde's 'tomorrow, wendy' for
when he mentioned that he was being joined by
john and that they were interested in doing something
after their radio shift, i called up david to see if he
wanted to join in too. we ended up heading over
to the legion, but it wasn't nearly as fun as yesterday,
so i headed home early.
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