First Post (27FEB2005)
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senatorhung's pad
ramblings of an information troubleshooter
i dream of you and all the things you say
Sunday, 03APR2005:
david woke me up with a phone call around noon (after we
lost an hour due to the 'spring forward' for daylight savings
time) to give me the details for the sledding activity
planned for today. met up with april, emilie, robert,
carine, ulu, maxine and david at the old rez and then
headed across federal road to check out the ridges for
primo sledding spots.
the first hill attempted was nice and steep but also came
a bit rough and rocky. we all got a chance to try out the
jumps and get some decent airtime, but when maxine
smacked herself hard on the back, we decided to move
to smoother climes. along the way, i stopped to uncork
the thermos that i brought back from china and served up
some hot chocolate to get warm.
we backtracked to a more windswept slope that was
longer but less steep, trading speed for the chance to
get more extended slides. it was such a smooth ride
that i was able to use my digital camera to shoot an
action video of one of my trips down. unfortunately,
the batteries froze out before being able to capture
david's death-defying leap over an icy precipice.
to close off the sledding session, i challenged april to
a race. she kicked me silly, going a good 15 metres
past my previous record where i had narrowly missed a
power pole. other than maxine's sore back and my
slight elbow strain, we managed to survive the ordeal
without any major injuries, unlike our previous outing
when we had to take greg to the hospital.
we walked back to town to carine's place where she
served us chai and we watched a celebrity world poker tour
match. after seeing jack black get knocked out by aisha,
we headed our separate ways. i slunk home to veg out on the
offline poker game while working on the track selection for
my latest mix. i kept sipping hot chocolate from the
thermos until i finished the whole jug - it was still hot
even 8 hours later !!
also finished reading 'hanging out with the dream king',
a book of interviews of 'sandman' creators and other neil
gaiman collaborators. the most noteworthy comment from
today's reading was gene wolfe on the value of speculative
"I think that the kind of things that
we talk about ... - fantasy very much so,
science fiction, and even horror - the
message that we're sending is the reverse
of the message sent by what is called
'realistic fiction'. (I happen to think
that realistic fiction is not, in fact,
realistic, but that's a side issue).
And what we are saying is that it doesn't
have to be like this: things can be
different. Our society can be changed.
... We can do something else if we don't
like what we're gettin'. I think a lot
of the purpose of fiction ought to be to
tell people that."
when tomorrow gets here, where will yesterday be
Monday, 04APR2005:
didn't do much exciting today, so rather than wracking my
brain trying to find something to write about, i spent the
time setting up the archive structure for earlier posts so
that this page doesn't take so long to load up.
still working on the tracklisting for the latest mix, but i
think i have a title - 'AUr(or)al exposures' - i started with
'aural', but since i'm in the arctic, i might as well make
it exotic, and the AU == or == gold match came to me in a
flash :)
- today's soundtrack: 'do ya feel lucky', a mix with a
gambling theme that i'll post to
later this week
- interesting link of the day: how traditional recycling
efforts fail to acknowledge the 'big picture' associated with
waste management
and our induced 'addiction' to garbage
it just feels good, like poetry
Tuesday, 05APR2005:
went up to l'école trois soleils for the monthly 'first
draft' writers group meeting this evening. in attendance were
carolyn, stephen, gillien, jurate and me. we did a roundtable
to relay any writing-related news - carolyn got an extended
magazine piece published; gillian has a couple of filmed
scripts under her belt and is working on a couple more;
jurate is now in the process of editing the novel that she
wrote last november; stephen is trying to figure out how to
write more like king than koontz; me, i'm writing this blog :)
we spent the rest of the time assisting carolyn with version
5 of her 'heavy' poem.
finalized the tracklisting for 'aur(or)al exposures' and now
burning copies for all the intended recipients. spent some
time working on the liner notes as well, so hopefully it will
be a nice little package. i'll post this mix along with the
gambling one at
on friday (using the weekend to trawl for mix traders).
it's only you that can find me
Wednesday, 06APR2005:
broomball chronicle:
team white: denis, mark, danny, martha, greg, jacques
team black: carine, alastair, julian, rob, gavin, me
a bleak day to be dressed in black. well, the game wasn't
a disaster by any means as both teams played fairly well.
team white had an extra sub at the start but after they
went ahead 2-nil, they tossed the sub our way so that we
played 6 on 5 for a bit. however, when greg arrived to
even up the team numbers, team white started to smoke.
here are the tallies: greg (4), jacques (2), mark (2),
danny (2), martha (1), denis (1). notice the pattern ?
even freshman danny was able to get a couple pots
(including one deflected in by yours truly). denis still
had the best goal tho, lifting a hail mary ball high over
the forward-playing gavin to bounce cleanly into the center
of the net.
without team black's excellent defensive play, the score
would have been much higher. rob, the other freshman, not
at all cowed after this shellacking, asked to be added to
the email list. chief arm-twister denis will keep
playing for a couple more games before turning over the
reins and abandoning us for the south. however, we also
learned that carine would be leaving us after this season
so we'll have to add her to this year's hall of fame as
- IP idiocy link of the day: a new york court has clawed
archival recordings back out from the public domain using
the doctrine of perpetual
common law copyright
Waldbaum said the ruling frustrates the
efforts of the music restoration industry
to ensure that classical performances are
preserved for posterity.
"We are talking about things in the public
domain that have no commercial value,"
Waldbaum said. "We are not talking about
the Beatles. We are not talking about Maria
Callas. We are talking about things that are
basically lost in time."
- for something a bit cooler, check out the
Mixtape Project (thanks to sue for the heads up !)
They represent a strange collision of the
cerebral and the emotional, because they
most directly satisfy the need, not of the
seeker, but of the sender. They are the
mixer’s art, while the mixer’s medium is
the art of others. It seems that for many,
putting together a mixtape, is much more
rewarding than receiving one.
Making a mix can be masochistic. There is
some pleasure to be derived from struggling
miserably to make something perfect by
smashing together chunks of music swiped
from complete albums, creating something
that both sounds right to you and strikes a
chord with its recipient.
past mistakes that make us shaky
Thursday, 07APR2005:
i've been sitting on a discussion from for
awhile and finally got a chance to read thru it all.
Foreman, a noted playwright, asks whether we are becoming
people, that is, in a P2P and friendstered setting, are
we beginning to live more thru that collective intermediated
and ephemeral bit bucket world rather than developing our
own inner monologues. He also wonders if computers will
ever be able to be programmed to make the 'mistakes' that
humans make in the arts and sciences, and whether a
computer would ever be able to recognize any of those
mistakes as potential opportunities for new insights and
Rushkoff responds to the first part by comparing
the present to the Renaissance. While the first
Renaissance elevated the individual's perspective, today's
world restores the power of the collective and the measure
of any individual is no longer determined by what they know,
but by how well they can jig from the information networks.
"We give up the illusion of our power as deriving from some
notion of individual collecting data, and find out that having
access to data through our network-enabled communities
gives us an entirely more living flow of information that is
appropriate to the ever changing circumstances surrounding
Schank, another knowledge guru, deals with the
second part by emphasizing that "mistakes come from
complex goals not trivially achieved. We learn from the
mistakes we make when the goal we have failed at
satisfying is important to us and we choose to spend
some time thinking about what to do better next time."
so, rather than focusing on programming 'mistakes',
smart computers will be designed to have goals and be
able to learn from the experiences of failing to meet those
goals. mistakes would just occur naturally in the process
'cause the dancefloor is calling
Friday, 08APR2005:
went over to molly's after work to drop off 2 mixes
that i had promised her
Exposures and
she was hosting a musical jam, and i was sorely tempted
to stay but since i was already kind of dressed up for an
'80's retro party, i decided that i shouldn't let those efforts
go to waste.
went over to bernice's where a sizeable crowd of partiers
were celebrating her 30th birthday. malcolm and olivia
had been invited and i just kind of swung in on their
coattails. also hung out with chris, celina, sarah and
wade, and after a few sips of the spiked punch, i hijacked
the boombox in the strobe-lit dance room to d.j. a set from
the stack of '80's music on-hand.
someone decided it would be a kewl idea to try to get into
the legion at a quarter to midnight. so, we piled into 3-4
taxis and unloaded ourselves at the gates of doom. standing
outside smoking were lori, sue and sara, so we stopped to
chat. big mistake. we ended up standing in line outside in
the cold for a good 15-20 minutes until the bar staff finished
counting heads and let a few of us trickle in.
at first, we were restricted to the quiet lounge, but after
waiting there for a bit, we were allowed to pass out onto
the main arena. unlucky chris had wandered across the
line of contention earlier to hit the loo and when he boldly
attempted to walk in the other direction, the bouncer
hauled his butt back over.
a new sound coming in as an old one disappears
Saturday, 09APR2005:
the poker tourney scheduled for this afternoon was
cancelled due to good weather outside. i had the option
of joining a soccer team in net for a tournament up at the
high school but decided instead to work on burning a few
mixes for the 3-for-3 trades that i had arranged with
FLWB and
while browsing on aotm yesterday, i ran across the idea
of tracking all of the mixes traded and with who. so, i
made up my own tracking spreadsheet and realized that i've
distributed over a 100 mixes since the spring of 2001.
recipients have been co-workers, family members and
aotm'ers from missouri, michigan, virginia, australia,
georgia (2), west virginia, texas, ottawa, florida and
left my computer burning while i climbed up the hill to
the frob to attend a supper for malcolm to celebrate the
completion of his rotation with us and his move down the
hall to a different office. i managed to devour a plate of
ribs without getting messed up, and then lisa goes and
spills a glass of water on me when we get up to leave.
it's a good thing i was wearing black or i might have
been pissed.
followed cyndi and rose a few steps to the storehouse
where we hooked up with joe, dennis, damien and silaqi.
watched the fancy light show over the dance floor for a
bit, then played air hockey against rose before heading
home for a reasonably early nite.
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