First Post (27FEB2005)
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senatorhung's pad
ramblings of an information troubleshooter
in a book or a face, you will look for your place
Sunday, 27MAR2005:
attended the customary easter supper at charlene's with
jean, michelle, mildred, joe and dennis. the food was
fantastic as usual, with a broccoli-trail mix salad from
michelle, a delicious ham and a turnip-apple dish from
mildred, turkey and stuffing from charlene and cake by
joe. i thought about having seconds, but only for a few
seconds, as i quickly realized that i was completely
we then played a few rounds of 'horse races' where
joe took us to the cleaners before running off with his
cash to the cinema. the rest of us soldiered on,
flipping cards and rolling dice until we had digested
enough of the meal to move ourselves away from
the table.
i've told people that i am surprised at how my writing
output for this journal has well exceeded my original
expectations. it helps that i don't have a t.v. to distract me,
and that my pc is still a bit flaky and won't allow me to
install any new computer games beyond what is already
installed. since i've mostly covered day2day stuff over the
last month, i figured that it might be appropriate, on the
1-month anniversary of this blog, to delve a bit into how
i ended up in the arctic.
my first library position, after graduating with an MLIS from
in the fall of 2000, was in calgary. while it was a
great learning experience, my supervisor and i just
didn't see eye to eye on a variety of issues and i felt
that i would be happier with something different.
i took the summer of 2001 off to examine my options
since i had the luxury of a flush bankroll from my adventures
in the oilpatch. when i saw the posting for nunavut, i recalled
with fondness, my seismic
field training in the nwt, and decided that a return to the
north might be appropriate. the position seemed to offer a
great deal of responsibility, independence and flexibility as
well as the chance to contribute to the development of
canada's newest territory.
i was selected for a phone interview and while it went well,
i did not hear back about my application status for some time.
i continued to apply for other openings, receiving a few
interviews for academic positions. however, when i got the
call from nunavut, i was happy to pull out of those
competitions and started making plans to head north.
while dropping by to say farewell to my former co-workers in
calgary, i found out that they had recently hired a new librarian.
guess who ? rhonda - the librarian who had vacated the position
in nunavut that i had just been hired for. so, basically, we ended
up swapping positions, which worked out well for both of us and
allowed us to benefit from sharing 'inside info' on our
respective organizational challenges.
haven't you always wanted a monkey ?
Monday, 28MAR2005:
spent the early hours of the morning updating my
seismic photo world tour.
this set of pages had originally been done as a class
assignment during my MLIS studies to demonstrate my
proficiency with HTML coding, but most of the links had
busted long ago.
then, i took a nice LONG nap. i regained consciousness
a few times during the day, enough to note that i was
missing out on a brilliant sunny day with fabulous-looking
blue skies, but i just didn't have the energy to care.
that is probably the one thing that i miss most about
working in the field during my seismic days. with a 5
week on / 5 week off schedule, the first week off would
be spent like today, where i would veg out completely
and not feel any guilt whatsoever. the next 3 weeks
would be spent doing fun stuff, whether taking a road
trip from houston to calgary and back, attending movie
marathons at the local dollar and rep theatres, trying out
every kind of ethnic restaurant, and wandering into the
office in shorts and t-shirts to check email and snicker
at the suit and tie shmoes. the final week would involve
hitting the cd stores to fill up a new cd binder to take out
to the field and drown out all of the classic rock crap that
filled the commercial airwaves.
the paychecks were nice, but after pulling a few 70+ hour
shifts or doing 70+ day tours in the field, you definitely
worked for every penny. the independence was great, tho.
i arranged to start my workday around 21:00 and then
work thru the wee hours of the morning until around noon
the next day. this gave me lots of quiet uninterrupted
hours to surf the internet in between tape runs and deal
with any office hassles after i had already accomplished
something during my shift. as well, it meant that any
issues encountered in the previous day's data could be
fixed or re-shot before the spread had been picked up
and moved. i got to work to my cicadian strengths and
increased crew efficiency at the same time. good on
me !
back to the present, i spent the rest of the evening
browsing thru poker magazines that jean had kindly (?)
lent to me while he heads south for a week. poker
is a seductive game in that it appears to reward smart
people who can figure out the odds. however, it actually
rewards those who understand the psychology of their
opponents and who have the ability to twist it to work
in their favour. since the gambling yen runs in my
family, i am wary of succumbing to an addiction to the
rush of the game. it's not like i need the money, and
having worked in theatre, i know that the 'glamour' of
casino life is all about misdirection and facades. so,
while i am happy to play friendlies around a dinner table,
i think i'll avoid the temptation to visit the poker tables
on my travels to the south.
normally i'd be into it, but i need to get some sleep
Tuesday, 29MAR2005:
went for lunch at the legion with chris, malcolm and
olivia and ordered the 'swiss steak' special. the
mystery meat concoction refreshed my memory of the
dish from my days in residence. yep, dump some more
ketchup on top ...
chris asked me about the note that i scribbled on
my hand. i told him that i was just keeping tabs
on my expenses. he was a little bit amazed that i
tried to track it all, but considering i was able
to save a good five figures last year thanks to my
diligence (with the help of a tracking spreadsheet
i designed), i think i'll keep it up.
was asked to evaluate a new web design for a
librarian organization site. first problem was the
designer didn't bother to ask what the issues were
with the existing site. second, colourful background
graphics and funky fonts were simply overlaid over
the existing site layout with no correspondence
to any site functionality. finally, those graphics
emphasized a book motif, exactly the portrayal the
organization is striving to move away from, given
the growing influence of its membership over areas
such as knowledge management and electronic
resources. disappointing.
got home and crashed. fell asleep with the lights on.
dunno if it was the changeover from the long weekend
schedule, the lovely lunch, or my immune system kicking
in after i gave my finger a cut making sandwiches the
night before.
- today's soundtrack: the 'creative commons'-licensed
wired cd
- reading: 'the biggest game in town' by a. alvarez
the judges will decide
Wednesday, 30MAR2005:
broomball chronicles:
team white: jane, christian, kevin, anna, denis, marco, julian, colette, mark
team black: JF, greg, alastair, carine, martha, bobby, jacques, tom, me
with so many subs, both teams came out slugging. even the
normally mild-mannered pair of greg and julian got themselves
worked up into a tizzy. it was a goalie's nightmare as each
team performed admirably on offence, but scrambled to cover-up
on defence. the final tally was around 3-3, and then we adjourned
the on-ice portion of the evening to head up to the storehouse
to present the first annual iqaluit broomball awards.
AWARDS: (all nominees listed, winners in CAPS)
- 'beckham' award - ALASTAIR
- 'my kingdom for a goal' award - LUC
- 'i only play if my boyfriend plays' award - CARINE
- best shot blocking award - BOBBY
- hardest shot award - jerry, bobby, marco, MARK
- 'northern standard time' award - greg, GAVIN
- best goalie award - julian, chad, bobby, mark, me, KEVIN
- cherry-picker award - todd, christian, JACQUES
- sharpshooter award (goal posts on breakaways, over glass)
- JF, marco, gavin, denis, GREG
- most improved player award - julian, alastair, me, anna, tom,
spencer, JANE
- most injured award - jacques, marco, DENIS
- 'drama queen' award - kevin, todd, JF
- 'ben johnson' award (winner will be tested for steroids) - greg, mark,
marco, GAVIN
- best uniform / equipment award - anna, julian, spencer, ALASTAIR
- best locker room demeanor award - anna, me, COLETTE
- best defensive player award - mark, bobby, marco, kevin, ME
- best secret weapon award (body function, liquor) - denis, JF
- most sportsmanlike award - tom, me, MARTHA
- best offensive player award - gavin, JF, denis, MARK
- hall of fame award (left or leaving) - CARINE, TOM, JF, LUC,
taxes are a bitch these days
Thursday, 31MAR2005:
got my bank statement yesterday and then my VISA statement
today, so i've been busy reconciling everything on my budgeting /
expense tracking spreadsheet. i really detest being charged bank
fees for letting them hang onto my money and i'm a bit annoyed with
myself for losing track of my balance and going under the minimum
required for fee-less operation.
continuing in that financial vein, tonight was my first shift this year
as an income tax volunteer, assisting people with simpler tax situations
(low incomes, students, seniors, etc.) to file their tax returns.
we usually have a laptop with a tax filing program pre-installed and all
we need to do take the T4's and other info slips provided by the client,
type in the figures, and print off the completed forms.
unfortunately for me, my volunteer partner forgot about tonight's
shift and didn't bring his laptop, leaving me to face the eager filers
with only pen, paper and a borrowed calculator. what would have
taken mere minutes on the computer ended up taking over half
an hour as i manually scribbled out the paper forms. next time
i'll at least bring a copy of my own customized tax spreadsheet so
that i don't have to futz with tiny calculator buttons.
- IP idiocy: the canadian government
to the interim report on copyright reform and apologetically
explains why
they didn't do everything the copyright fascists demanded.
by professor geist.
- update on the
GMO menace
- be careful of what you feed yourself
- article about how the grokster case is really about the
of the internet
at any other game i never lose
Friday, 01APR2005:
got snookered by one of robert's practical jokes for april fool's
day. credit it to not being awake yet on a friday morning. after
thinking about it for a bit, tho, i realized that if i was going to
fall for it, i should have went into the deep end and started
organizing a huge farewell party for him and cc'd a whole bunch
of folks. i'm sure he would have had lots of fun correcting that
misunderstanding :)
after work, i attended my second monthly meeting of the nunavut
press club at the frob. this shindig doubled as an agm where the
club executive for the coming year was elected. we also talked
about the kinds of activities / events / speakers we would be
interested in hosting for future sessions, including a possible
barbeque at sylvia grinnell and professional development
the highlight for me was hanging around after the official business
portion and hearing kenn harper relate how polar man pitched his
story idea to kevin spacey. let's just say that a burst of hot air
ended that potential hollywood blockbuster.
from there, i wandered a bit up the hill past the hospital to JF's
place for his farewell house party bash. the joint was hopping
with anime on the big screen, donkey kong on the atari and a
dog staking out the stairwell, who did impressive tricks with a
flattened soccer ball. i successfully wrapped the old school
version of 'time pilot', but the cartridge version ended in the 1985
era, rather than with the futuristic ufo's in the arcade game that
i remember so fondly.
- today's soundtrack: everclear - so much for the afterglow
life could be so great
Saturday, 02APR2005:
got out of bed *way* earlier than i wanted to on a saturday
morning but it was for a good cause. met up with heather,
odile and jen at fantasy palace to hash out a possible arts
festival for toonik tyme in april. since taima will be in town
on the same evening as we had pencilled in as a tentative
date, we didn't want to force our audience to have to make
such a difficult choice. after much discussion, the consensus
was that delaying our event until may would also be better
this gets me off the hook for the technical management duties
as i will be in the south at the time, so i'll be making some
notes to give to anton and simon to run the show. the
teriyaki chicken wrap that i had for lunch was fabulous as
intended to drop by the leg. to check out liz and gwen's
painting and pottery exhibition, but decided that with a
long evening ahead of me, catching a few more winks would be
prudent. so, i slept until broomball, but still woke up
groggy and had my worst game of the season. i played better
offensively than defensively for once - bloody useless at
both !
broomball chronicles:
black: gavin, kevin, greg, bobby, peter (1st half)
white: denis, tom, mark, me, peter (2d half)
team black completely routed team white with a final tally
of 7 to nil (i quit keeping track after that). even after peter
switched sides halfway thru to give team white the man
advantage, they could not overcome their weariness, built up
from being shorthanded for 30 minutes, to break thru the
defensive fortress thrown up by the dark side, especially with
goalie of the year tending net for team black.
turns out that this was tom's last game with us as well, as
he is heading down to newfoundland. denis graciously
suggested that all of those who have left our ranks this year
should be inducted along with him into the broomball hall of
fame, so we decided to retroactively add tom, JF, luc, jerry
and jim to the HoF roster. of course, should they happen to
return, we'll have to strip them of these honours ;)
went home to shower and then play thru a quick offline
poker tournament on my computer before heading on to
todd's for some real-life action. the
software that i used must have helped because i ended
up collecting at the end of the evening. for the software,
remember that uninstalling and then reinstalling will get
around the limited trial period.
so, the table started with the three john's (d., w. and m.),
vinnie, todd, odile, patrick and me. i started agressively and
became chip leader very quickly, but then lost the lead just as
fast to john m. however, i kept my cool (and my headphones on)
until the no-limit round started around 9. from there, my
agressive betting took out vinnie and john w. in quick
succession, while patrick called john d. out. john m. failed
to prevail and then it was a final four of todd, patrick, odile
and me.
for some reason, everytime i actually had cards tonite, the
other players assumed that i was bluffing. even tho i was
shaking while shoving $500 in chips 'all-in' into the kitty
against todd, he was still willing to call me out. his
miscalculation put him just out of the money, leaving 3 of
is at the table who would split the takings 70-20-10.
while odile played very tight, patrick and i faced off over
and over. there was one memorable pot where i was so
busy worrying about patrick that odile managed to sneak
in with the victory and come up nearly to patrick's level
in chips. even so, it was just a matter of using my big
stack to effectively bully their shorter stacks to wear
down patrick and then odile to get my first overall
tournament win at todd's (on my 7th try !!).
not satisfied with ending the evening so early, todd
suggested a second round, with the winner taking the
entire pot. odile, vinnie, john m., patrick and me
answered his call. almost mirroring the first round,
vinnie went out first, followed by john m. and then
todd, leaving me to face off against patrick and
odile once again.
again, i was allowed to bet agressively and build up to
chip leadership. patrick successfully stared me down
until he caught the low side of a straight when i had the
high side covered. then it was heads up action with odile
and with the blinds increased, she was forced to go all.
the community cards didn't help either of us, so my
higher hole card delivered me my 2d table win of the
mark *had* suggested earlier after broomball that i was
about due for a strike, but i think it's safer to credit
my secret money-coloured
hair gel
that i applied to the tip of my pony-tail. i'm sure that
no one else noticed, but it's enough that i did ... :)
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