First Post (27FEB2005)       Previous Month      Next Month      Most Recent Post

senatorhung's pad
ramblings of an information troubleshooter

sunshine soundtrack awol

permalink Thursday, 13SEP2007:

finally got a chance to watch 'sunshine' for the 2d time here at the astro. it's been here for a week and i was worried that i wouldn't be able to see it again after my first viewing in montreal at the end of july. lucky for me, it's being held over, so i'll probably go see it a 3d time.

the visuals were as stunning as the 1st time and surprisingly the slasher subplot wasn't nearly as annoying the 2d time around. however, the true standout again was the musical score by john murphy and underworld, especially the track that is showcased when the captain sacrifices himself. i hate to give russian pirates any props, but this was the only way for me to get a copy (i.e. rip) of this track (i call it 'kaneda, what do you see ?') as the official site indicates that the soundtrack has been held up by legal difficulties. SAD !

i'm still digging myself out from under the stack of mail that arrived during my 5 weeks away from the office. i have been consoled by my acquisition and incessant listening to the soundtracks from the trio of 'infernal affairs' films (yes, yes, the first installment was inspiration for 'the departed'). the scores by chan kwong-wing are uplifting and fill me with energy. in the evenings, i finished off my round of 'mechcommander gold' missions and am looking to set up some kind of tactical walk-thru manual for future mission reference.

we had mass registration last saturday at the cadet hall and i manned the broomball table with mark and kevin. we had quite a few new signees to join the crowd of returning vets, so it looks to be another great season. i also managed to track down the amateur sports newspaper that had given us a full-colour center spread, so that will make a nice momento down the road.

finally, there is a possibility that i may be moving to a new position within the government. i still haven't received an official offer, but if things work out, i'll be sliding over at the end of october. we'll see ...

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facebook encounters

permalink Sunday, 23SEP2007:

so, i finally got myself onto facebook (or 'crack'-book as a friend commented on my wall). i kept hearing about this social networking stuff and i figured that it was important to at least be aware of what that entailed, but my first encounters with myspace and friendster left me a little bit underwhelmed. plus the fact that i grew up in a gossipy small-town gave me reservations about having my social life tracked in the ether.

still, i have to say that facebook does a lot of things right. by allowing other applications to be developed to fit onto a page, FB lets users customize their pages to their hearts' content without causing a huge burden on facebook-central. my faves so far are the calvin & hobbes quotes, the 'where i've been' map and the colourful friendwheel. the site really helps defray the 'outasite, outamind' beast that slowly atrophies relationships. however, i think i still prefer email for actual communications - or maybe i'm just old-fashioned ?

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